MARUZEN P99 VERSION 2: The P99 is, according to Walther, the most comfortable pistol ever, and I'd be inclined to agree with them on that. The grip is perfectly contoured to fit your hand, with a small thumb rest on each side as well. The texture both on the front of the grip and on the sides ensures that your hands won't slip, even with gloves on, and also makes drawing the model from a holster easier, as it naturally takes the right position for firing in your hand. The kick which the P99 gives out is also superior to any Marui GBB and almost all KSC Hardkick models. Another thing you're likely to notice about the P99 is that its' quite a bit louder than most other models, at least it is without the suppressor. There's also a rather nice metallic chink noise whenever the slide moves back and forward, especially noticeable when you cock the P99 manually. With the silencer screwed on the shots are slightly quieter, and the sharp edge is taken off the "bang" noise. The positive aspects of this model far outweigh the negative ones and if you like the looks then I would strongly recommend thinking about buying one. Buy a P99 - be James Bond.
